Xanga Layouts

< script type='text/javascript'> document.title = ('---Soul Reaper---');
<)About Me(>
<)Name(> Ashley
<)Age(> 15 going on 16
<)Birthday(> Mar. 18, 92
<)Hobbies(> Like reading manga and other books. Drawing and dancing
<)Likes(> Bleach, little things, and White sox!
<)Location(> CHI-TOWN

"What a letdown, Kurosaki-san. A real letdown. After all, there's nothing but fear reflected in your sword. When you dodge, 'I'm afraid of getting cut.' When you attack, 'I'm afraid of cutting someone.' Even when you try to protect someone, 'I'm afraid of letting them die.' Yes, your sword speaks to me only of absurd fear. That's not it. What's necessary in a fight isn't fear. Nothing can be born from that. If you dodge, 'I won't let them cut me.' If you protect someone, 'I won't let them die.' If you attack, 'I'll cut them.' Well, can't you see the resolve to cut you reflected in my sword?"



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Playlist here

Credits goes to: Brill
Special Thanks to:AngelxWings

My new kitty (go back »)

August 15 2007, 9:11 PM

My new Kitty

He has no name

He likes playing games

And he biteing my friends

fighting my stuff animals too

By Ashley M.

In Crazy things i talk about


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